How a Dental Deep Cleaning Treats Periodontal Disease

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How a Dental Deep Cleaning Treats Periodontal Disease

As experienced dental professionals, we understand the importance of early detection in managing periodontal disease. By identifying the condition early on, we can promptly provide expert dental deep cleaning treatments. This is precisely why regular dental visits are highly recommended by dentists across the board. While initial stages of gum disease can be improved through enhanced oral hygiene practices at home, more advanced cases may require a dental deep cleaning procedure. Allow us to guide you through this process, as we share our expertise and ensure the utmost trust and confidence in your dental care journey.


Understanding gum disease

Gum disease, an infection of the patient’s gums, is caused by bacteria in the mouth, the same bacteria that contribute to tooth decay. This infection results in inflammation, redness, halitosis, bleeding after brushing, and sensitivity. Gum disease manifests in three stages:

  • Gingivitis: The earliest stage of periodontal disease characterized by inflammation and soreness.
  • Periodontitis: The second stage affects the ligaments securing the teeth in the jawbone. It can lead to the formation of pockets between the gums and teeth, which makes it challenging to eliminate bacterial growth.
  • Advanced gum disease: In this severe stage, bacterial activity causes complete destruction of the teeth’s supportive structures.

Individuals who neglect proper flossing and brushing practices face a high risk of gum disease. Additionally, infrequent dental visits also contribute to an elevated risk. Smokers are particularly susceptible due to the drying effect of smoke on the mouth, creating an inviting environment for bacteria. However, there is good news: dental deep cleaning can effectively address gum disease.


Why treatment is so important

Early detection of gum disease is pivotal for optimal oral health. Once the second stage of periodontal disease arises, professional treatment becomes imperative. Tartar, which harbors a high concentration of bacteria below the gumline, cannot be effectively eliminated by regular brushing and flossing. The expertise and extensive knowledge of a skilled dentist are required to address this issue. Neglecting treatment can result in tooth loosening and progressive decay of the ligaments that support them. Ultimately, tooth loss becomes an unfortunate outcome.


What a deep cleaning involves

With a professional cleaning procedure, the primary objective is to eliminate the bacteria responsible for causing gum disease. This effectively halts the progression of infection, facilitating the healing process of the gums. A deep cleaning approach encompasses the thorough cleaning of teeth situated beneath the gumline. To ensure patient comfort, a local anesthetic is administered. By utilizing specialized scraping tools, the dentist will meticulously remove the tartar from under the gumline. Patients should not experience any pain during this procedure, although mild vibrations may be felt. In some cases, multiple visits may be required to achieve optimal results. Rest assured, our experienced and trustworthy dental professionals are dedicated to providing the highest level of expertise and care.


Visit a dentist today for periodontal disease treatment

If you have noticed any signs of gum disease, it is crucial to seek prompt treatment from our experienced and expert team. The earlier you address the issue, the more minimally invasive the intervention can be. With a comprehensive deep cleaning, including scaling and root planing, our skilled professionals greatly enhance the chances of a successful recovery. By preserving all your natural teeth, you can avoid the need for prosthetics. To request an appointment, you can visit our website: or contact Smrecek Dentistry at (949) 759-8606 to schedule an appointment at our trusted Newport Beach office. Feel free to explore the positive reviews of our services from satisfied clients on Yelp:

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